I am a pet sitter. It suites me quite well. This is an update from a few days ago...
so everyone is doing great.
Luna seems to have improved.
Sunday night Owen did not come home. It was getting dark so i went outside to let 'em know it was nighty night time. Owen was on the neighbors roof. Dia came in with another dead baby birdie (I had found one when I first got home in the bathroom) Luna had an attack later that night...it seemed like a hairball. I loved on her a lot. And I woke up to her curled at my side, which made me happy, so I could love on her more! Though Mon. afternoon there were dry food barf piles. She probably ate to fast.
(preface: Luna has been ill of late due to some mysterious allergy [she has been having some lung issues as previously she was taking a tiny pill last for an odd wheezing sound] This time is a strange exhale- so i had to give her antibiotics and steroids - she actually was really good about it, though I have to give myself props to as I am pretty good administering meds :-)
Monday Owen was waiting for me out front. Willow (nothing like Buffy's version, though she did have long hair) a friend of the neighbors on the left (if you are facing out) and also a cat lover knocked at the door to check on Owen b/c he was real chatty to her out front, but he stayed on the porch so she knew he must live there. It was sweet, you've got eyes in the hood for the kitties. And in the middle of the night Owen was a meowin' away, I think he may have forgotten I was sleeping over, b/c I called for him and he slept with me the rest of the night. Dia has been the most like my baby cody, sleeping with me every night.
So last night, Owen was his usual Roo-self. And the girls stayed out a bit later. I checked up on them and they were laying next to each other out back, i think having a discussion about me, but it was probably about whatever is left of the birdie nest. Dia eventually came in. Her and Owen where laying on me like velcro, super sweet. Hadn't heard the slap of Luna coming in, so I got up to ck on her, keeping the others in. Of course it was dark and she is black, but i did not see her. I stuck my foot in the kitty door to the workshop and called her, knowing she was probably sleeping in there...then i walked parallel to the fire pit and gulp, across from me is a standing opposum. They stand very, very still, i assumed he was a dude and asked if he'd seen Luna (yes out loud) He didn't seem to know who, so I let it be, then I see Luna looking at me. Not sure If she had seen her backyard visitor so I apporached her sleepy sweetness and scooped her up! love, love , love. And held her as I watched the opposum walk over to the tree, climb up it and dissapear into the shadows. Maybe she's allergic to him?
Well, she thought I was holding her a bit too long, but I am good about keeping a kitty calm. When we got in she was doing the arch walk and bumping up all over me.Luna has been sleeping on the dvr (?) on the far right edge of the dresser under the bedroom tv. That's her place. Its very warm, so i think its like her lil heating/ healing pad. So i ck in with her every few hours. She seems a lot better. Been eating really well and doing great with the meds, haven't had any trouble what-so-ever.
Just wanted to give you an update in case you didn't know about the opposum and also the bird population has decreased in the hood b/c of Dia being such a great lil huntress, poor birdies. Hope your trip is swell and that's that!
Joey Rama kitty mamma
I usually leave handwritten notes with pics to go along (as I am a VERY visual thinker). And my boss lady is always saying how the owners keep all my lil notes, they just love 'em so much.
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