Happy Birthday to me! It was yesterday and I got a LOT of b-day wishes from Facebook. And even though I know they get reminders, it is still quite lovely to be remembered and wished good things! I'll take it :) So it's been a while yet again. And for that..."soory".
1. There's a new-to-me-site 750 words.com, dbl kudos and I may be off to write over there. But its nice to have the openness of this, even though no one, as far as I can tell, actually reads this besides me. Weather (tee hee) or not anyone else does, it's enjoyable to write for an audience, even if its an invisible one.
2. I get very odd cravings while at work. I wonder why. For example, just now- its 10:14am and I got a craving for pickeled sausages. Yup, those exist and I use to eat them in middle school AND I haven't had any in years. I'm a vegetarian now, but I would try it for memories sake. I've seen pickeled hard boiled eggs, but that just seems gross. Ironic, I know. Perhaps not, I'm not sure many ppl know the correct use of Irony. My HS bud Sarah L. penned it as her website for that very reason: www.longliveirony.com (check it out)
3. I have to pee...hold on....
4. Ahhh. Ok. So, Empty Cup. Tibetan Monks and I'm sure a bunch of other kinds carry an empty bowl and cup when they set off on their travels, as part of thier monkhood. I know this from a past life, at least I've been told I was a monk, many moons ago, and I could totally see that fitting right in with my soul. One reason for this (the carrying around, not the soul part) is to show faith you will be provided for, and another is to symbolize oneself as empty to be filled with the light of the world. I like this. A lot. And since we have a water filter at work, I have now been carrying around an empty cup. It's great, because I get that sense of having faith I will be provided for (always a good practice) and as a symbolic reminder to always be empty and open.
5. Just found out one of my co-workers use to be a flight instructor for Ultralights. Which are exactly what I would love to learn how to fly! I am totally going to have an air strip, hanger and collection of flying toys on my pieces of land. Since we're on that subject now, I 'll also take a climbing wall, indoor olympic pool with varying diving boards. A dry sauna. Hot Air Balloon. Go Karts and Track. A Gym/ Studio for wire work, aerialist work and a long climbing rope attached to the ceiling (elementary school replica!) Oh, a barn for all my animals with a tunnel or covered connection to the house...a slurpee machine, coke flavor only...and that's it for now, I'm sure something else will come up, but thses are the main fun features.
That's it for now.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Joey Rama Kitty Mamma

I am a pet sitter. It suites me quite well. This is an update from a few days ago...
so everyone is doing great.
Luna seems to have improved.
Sunday night Owen did not come home. It was getting dark so i went outside to let 'em know it was nighty night time. Owen was on the neighbors roof. Dia came in with another dead baby birdie (I had found one when I first got home in the bathroom) Luna had an attack later that night...it seemed like a hairball. I loved on her a lot. And I woke up to her curled at my side, which made me happy, so I could love on her more! Though Mon. afternoon there were dry food barf piles. She probably ate to fast.
(preface: Luna has been ill of late due to some mysterious allergy [she has been having some lung issues as previously she was taking a tiny pill last for an odd wheezing sound] This time is a strange exhale- so i had to give her antibiotics and steroids - she actually was really good about it, though I have to give myself props to as I am pretty good administering meds :-)
Monday Owen was waiting for me out front. Willow (nothing like Buffy's version, though she did have long hair) a friend of the neighbors on the left (if you are facing out) and also a cat lover knocked at the door to check on Owen b/c he was real chatty to her out front, but he stayed on the porch so she knew he must live there. It was sweet, you've got eyes in the hood for the kitties. And in the middle of the night Owen was a meowin' away, I think he may have forgotten I was sleeping over, b/c I called for him and he slept with me the rest of the night. Dia has been the most like my baby cody, sleeping with me every night.
So last night, Owen was his usual Roo-self. And the girls stayed out a bit later. I checked up on them and they were laying next to each other out back, i think having a discussion about me, but it was probably about whatever is left of the birdie nest. Dia eventually came in. Her and Owen where laying on me like velcro, super sweet. Hadn't heard the slap of Luna coming in, so I got up to ck on her, keeping the others in. Of course it was dark and she is black, but i did not see her. I stuck my foot in the kitty door to the workshop and called her, knowing she was probably sleeping in there...then i walked parallel to the fire pit and gulp, across from me is a standing opposum. They stand very, very still, i assumed he was a dude and asked if he'd seen Luna (yes out loud) He didn't seem to know who, so I let it be, then I see Luna looking at me. Not sure If she had seen her backyard visitor so I apporached her sleepy sweetness and scooped her up! love, love , love. And held her as I watched the opposum walk over to the tree, climb up it and dissapear into the shadows. Maybe she's allergic to him?
Well, she thought I was holding her a bit too long, but I am good about keeping a kitty calm. When we got in she was doing the arch walk and bumping up all over me.Luna has been sleeping on the dvr (?) on the far right edge of the dresser under the bedroom tv. That's her place. Its very warm, so i think its like her lil heating/ healing pad. So i ck in with her every few hours. She seems a lot better. Been eating really well and doing great with the meds, haven't had any trouble what-so-ever.
Just wanted to give you an update in case you didn't know about the opposum and also the bird population has decreased in the hood b/c of Dia being such a great lil huntress, poor birdies. Hope your trip is swell and that's that!
Joey Rama kitty mamma
I usually leave handwritten notes with pics to go along (as I am a VERY visual thinker). And my boss lady is always saying how the owners keep all my lil notes, they just love 'em so much.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Opening Night @ the Movies

Hello. It's been too long. This may be a mash up, maybe not. [mash up is a now commonly used word, implying the combination of 2 or more different things, more like an ice cream sandwich, rather then a smoothie]
I've got a pal, he is a writer, he writes movies. He wrote one that got made. It opens TONIGHT! officially (unofficially-you know how they have the midnight screenings the night before).
Opening nights and the weekend box office are HUGELY important in the entertainment industry. Who knew numbers would play such a vital roll (haha, a freudian slip) -that's role, but they do, especially the first numbers that come out. It's like, is this going to avalanche?
But you see the people who make the budgets are investing in these projects and people and those numbers let them know 'you done good' and to keep investing in them. It also lets other investors know they are a good investment. (They being the actors, directors, writers, even producers...the list goes on) Its a win-win. Now it works the other way too, luckily you can still get a second try or even third, but if it continues to falter you are known as 'box office poison'. This usually gets pinned on the actors, but could fall on just about anyone as well. So it takes a keen savviness to navigate a career. Sometimes it's the choices we make, maybe not the best fit. Sometimes its simply timing. But it is all based on the numbers.
I've got a pal, he is a writer, he writes movies. He wrote one that got made. It opens TONIGHT! officially (unofficially-you know how they have the midnight screenings the night before).
Opening nights and the weekend box office are HUGELY important in the entertainment industry. Who knew numbers would play such a vital roll (haha, a freudian slip) -that's role, but they do, especially the first numbers that come out. It's like, is this going to avalanche?
But you see the people who make the budgets are investing in these projects and people and those numbers let them know 'you done good' and to keep investing in them. It also lets other investors know they are a good investment. (They being the actors, directors, writers, even producers...the list goes on) Its a win-win. Now it works the other way too, luckily you can still get a second try or even third, but if it continues to falter you are known as 'box office poison'. This usually gets pinned on the actors, but could fall on just about anyone as well. So it takes a keen savviness to navigate a career. Sometimes it's the choices we make, maybe not the best fit. Sometimes its simply timing. But it is all based on the numbers.
Now of course there are other factors involved as well. Marketing efforts for example. This pal of mine, had another great ensemble film that didn't get the attention it deserved, even having a huge cast full of known A listers. In that case the distributing studio rushed it through the theaters without having much of a marketing push.
This industry is ALL collaboration. It starts as one idea. Gets truned into a script. Gets cast. Gets made. Gets edited. Gets released. Each step, being handed off, partly to another. But when it works, it works so beautifully and can hit a nerve in the pop culture of the world - which is spectacular if you think about it! I mean movies literally bring humanity together in a shared experience. Not everyone is going to like everything, but when that magic works...it really is magical.
O.K. back on topic, if there are people you follow/ like to support or if there is a particular movie that peeks your interest please make the effort to see it opening weekend. As these are the numbers that count most for any film.
post script: there is also the occasional sleeper hits, and underground/cult hits, that make ressurections in dvd rentals/sales and special midnight screenings-but wouldn't it be even cooler to say, "I was actually one of the few who saw it when it first came out". I think so.
My moral for this blog: go see movies on opening weekend, so your 'vote' is counted!
Until next time (possibly in a few minutes or hours)

Monday, May 17, 2010
For martial arts equipment, you have to see KarateDepot.com
YES, go here. I've been in obsessive search mode for a great bo staff. And this place has some really great deals.
I am looking forward to my shipment and getting my practice on.
Watch out world, Joey's gonna be wielding her might.
YES, go here. I've been in obsessive search mode for a great bo staff. And this place has some really great deals.
I am looking forward to my shipment and getting my practice on.
Watch out world, Joey's gonna be wielding her might.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

5. Informal
a. A usually temporary infatuation.
b. One who is the object of such an infatuation.
a. A usually temporary infatuation.
b. One who is the object of such an infatuation.
6. A decisive or critical moment or situation.
1. To press between opposing bodies so as to break or injure.
2. To break, pound, or grind (stone or ore, for example) into small fragments or powder.
3. To put down; subdue: crushed the rebellion.
4. To overwhelm or oppress severely: spirits that had been crushed by rejection and failure.
5. To crumple or rumple: crushed the freshly ironed shirt.
6. To hug, especially with great force.
7. To press upon, shove, or crowd.
8. To extract or obtain by pressing or squeezing: crush juice from a grape.
2. To break, pound, or grind (stone or ore, for example) into small fragments or powder.
3. To put down; subdue: crushed the rebellion.
4. To overwhelm or oppress severely: spirits that had been crushed by rejection and failure.
5. To crumple or rumple: crushed the freshly ironed shirt.
6. To hug, especially with great force.
7. To press upon, shove, or crowd.
8. To extract or obtain by pressing or squeezing: crush juice from a grape.
So you can presume all the joys that come along with the infatuation of a crush will inevitably end...well, not so good...and yet it is like an addiction. It doesn't always happen, but when a certain someone peaks my interest it takes over, floods through and overwhelms the system. Perhaps I am more addicted to the unrequited part. The thrills of imagination taking life in my head better left unsaid (well not directly). It is cause for an explosion of creativity, at least for me.
1. A foolish, unreasoning, or extravagant passion or attraction. See Synonyms at love.
2. An object of extravagant, short-lived passion.
1. A foolish, unreasoning, or extravagant passion or attraction. See Synonyms at love.
2. An object of extravagant, short-lived passion.
I don't know what it is, but when it comes around I do love to jump in the game. Roll around in all the made up possibilities, flourish in all the new found energies. Build up, then break down. The break down is a very important part of the whole experience. I mean CRUSH, the act of being crushed - it is the word itself. So the implications are built in. I always knew this going in, but it took a while to get use to it. To realize that it is not only there on the other end of the crush spectrum, but a one way track toward it.

Then there's the other factor when the tables have turned and I've become the object of unwanted affection. I suppose there is a fine line and mastery of executing a crush. For me I really do take it as an art, and though its fun to have a crush buddy to vicariously share in the game- the creative energy dissipates. So I do tend to keep it in art and jornals. That's my style, perhaps others fall prey to their own imagings. Thus it goes from friend to foe, where everything gets twisted and turned...and eggshells scatter everystep. Not fun, my pals, not fun at all. Who wants to edit every move and every word, it's no way to live people. So take caution in your crush. Do not ruin what could be just a regular ol' friendship. Live it up, revel in its delights, but be forewarned do not take imagination for reality. It is a fine line.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Four Walls: Mon.- Fri.

So I work as a receptionist facing this tall wall of windows. In a disaster movie it would not be the ideal spot to be, but I do have a carved out concave nook under my sturdy dark wooden desk, and it's covered down to the floor-so no worries, I would certainly be safe in it.
This location is great for entertainment, namely eavesdropping. I can pick up just about anything within earshot. Deciphering cadence, tone and categorized by topic or people conversing I have built quite a web of interpersonal drama and politics. Being able to sit beyond the realm of immersion has helped me keep afloat and become all-seer so to speak. I'm at the center of the honey comb of offices that branch off to my sides, with the "kitchen" area behind - me, the lobby before me and the courtyard just beyond the front doors.
The courtyard is my secondary form of entertainment throughout the day. Quiet an array of characters stomp through on a daily basis as it is pretty much the only place in this downtown area to smoke without being bothered. It's nestled between the only two hookah bars around here, so even though techincally a smoke free zone, it has become the smoker's-open-air-haven. We get a sampler platter of regulars. A certain group of High schoolers and their homeless friends - which actually was cause for a continuing drama, but that's another story. Our own people taking their smoke breaks and lunches. And the passerbys, well, passing by. We're next to a parking garage so we get some foot traffic.
Friday, May 7, 2010
I LOVE my bicycle. It's not like it's super sleek, hipster, or fancy. It's just a yellow mountain bike with an Italian seat and a black wire basket. Haha, the basket doesn't really fit style wise, but it totally expresses my personality And its functional.
Well I took quite the tumble just a few hours ago. Amazing though the wounds still sting how quickly the pain of the intial impact fades when the tears dry up. Yes, there were tears. I cried like a baby. But only after I picked myself up and continued my journey to work. Once the shock of embarresment wore off the tears flickered in and flowed out. I really did feel like a child, plus its nice to cry and ride. There's a freedom too it, no one is really watching.
Anyway hands scrapped, R. elbow scrapped. My R. leg got the most of gravity's impact, but suprisingly no injury (thanks to my jeans), though I'll reassess tonight for bruising. And a lil scrape on top of my ankle.
I was about to take the sidewalk, but I guess I missed my window and the tire skidded across the growing curb and I toppeled over ...at speed, mind you. Right in front of a liqour store and laundry mat, amongst a pond of traffic. Were there onlookers? I do not know, but I was still embarrassed, laughed it off ('cuase really, it's pretty hilarious) and peddled through it. AAOOUCH
Well I took quite the tumble just a few hours ago. Amazing though the wounds still sting how quickly the pain of the intial impact fades when the tears dry up. Yes, there were tears. I cried like a baby. But only after I picked myself up and continued my journey to work. Once the shock of embarresment wore off the tears flickered in and flowed out. I really did feel like a child, plus its nice to cry and ride. There's a freedom too it, no one is really watching.
Anyway hands scrapped, R. elbow scrapped. My R. leg got the most of gravity's impact, but suprisingly no injury (thanks to my jeans), though I'll reassess tonight for bruising. And a lil scrape on top of my ankle.
I was about to take the sidewalk, but I guess I missed my window and the tire skidded across the growing curb and I toppeled over ...at speed, mind you. Right in front of a liqour store and laundry mat, amongst a pond of traffic. Were there onlookers? I do not know, but I was still embarrassed, laughed it off ('cuase really, it's pretty hilarious) and peddled through it. AAOOUCH
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